Our company was born in 1997 in the town of Nules (Castellon), to dedicate ourselves to the development of specialized materials in ceramic manufacturing. Our commitment is to make available to the client all the required resources to optimize their productions and finishes. We design and conceive ceramic vehicles, frits, glazes, additives and inkjet inks, among others.

However, what has most supported our consolidation in the sector in all these years of activity, has been the work of our team. The network of professionals that makes up Kerafrit combines all its efforts in researching innovative products, as well as in their correct application and supply to the customer. All this combined with a monitoring of changing market trends.

One of the company´s keys is its international expansion. The team of technicians, designers and salesmen constantly travel to countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, visiting each customer's facilities to answer their queries about the operation of Kerafrit products.


By Kerafrit


Kerafrit products are a guarantee of quality and innovation. We continuously work on the investigation of new applications and materials that improve all ceramic processes to give the adequate performance and to be better adapted to recent times. Some of our most important projects have been:


The continuous work throughout these years, both in the study of new ceramic proposals and in the configuration of a wide international network of clients, has earned several recognitions in the sector, such as:


Alfa de Oro (Golden Alpha) 2009 for the NANOGLAZE project


Alfa de Oro (Golden Alpha) 2015 by the KERXSHIELD project


Best Exporting SME Award 2018

Quality and Environment

Quality and Environment

At Kerafrit we focus on the quality of all our products, from the use of optimal raw materials to the implementation of the most recent technological resources. We are always looking for performance and efficiency.

We continue with our commitment of improving, increasing the customer satisfaction, the environmental protection and reduction of enviromental impact. At Kerafrit we have implemented an integrated manage system based in the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

El 27 de diciembre de 2022 se ha aprobado en Consejo de Ministros el nuevo Real Decreto de Envases y Residuos de Envases RD 1055/2022 que traspone la Directiva de Envases y que incluye grandes cambios y nuevas obligaciones respecto a la normativa vigente hasta el momento, como la Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (RAP) para los envases industriales y comerciales.

Para dar cumplimiento a esta nueva obligación, Kerafrit se ha adherido a ENVALORA, nuevo proyecto de Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (SCRAP)


En Kerafrit hemos destinado 2037.5 m2 de cubierta para la instalación de paneles fotovoltaicos lo que ha originado que cerca del 23% de toda la energía consumida sea autogenerada, reduciendo en 123 tn las emisiones indirectas de CO2. Además, disponemos del certificado EKOENERGY, la única etiqueta ecológica europea para la energía renovable que certifica que la energía que se genera, además de tener un origen 100% solar y reducir al máximo la huella de carbono, cumple con criterios de sostenibilidad.


"Spirit of commitment and respect in every working process"